Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Now some of you watched the VMA's. But if you didn't heres something crazy that happend. Now you may have heard Taylor Swift won an award for best newest video. Well when she was in the middle of giving her speech Kanye runs up on stage and grabs the microphone from her and says this exactly, " Now I'mma let you finish but everyone here knows Beyonce has one of the best videos ever!" Then Beyonces looking around like what are you doing? While Taylor Swift is standing up there with nothing to say. Also the crowd is booing Kanye off the stage. Now Kanye really needs to stop all this stuff.

But later I thought it was nice that Beyonce won best video ever award she brought Taylor Swift back on stage to finish her speech. Now apparently on the radio people are saying that Jay-Z got mad at Beyonce saying why did you disrespect Kanye you should have thanked him and took the complament?!? Then Jay-Z ran off with Riahnna. Now I hope this isn't true, but Kanye made dramma for Taylor, and husband and wife! But I hope sooner or later this will clear out.
